+ export WORKSPACE=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows + WORKSPACE=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows + [[ windows =~ openshift-.* ]] + export PROVIDER=k8s-1.9.3 + PROVIDER=k8s-1.9.3 + export VAGRANT_NUM_NODES=1 + VAGRANT_NUM_NODES=1 + export NFS_WINDOWS_DIR=/home/nfs/images/windows2016 + NFS_WINDOWS_DIR=/home/nfs/images/windows2016 + export NAMESPACE=kube-system + NAMESPACE=kube-system + trap '{ make cluster-down; }' EXIT + make cluster-down ./cluster/down.sh + make cluster-up ./cluster/up.sh Unable to find image 'kubevirtci/k8s-1.9.3@sha256:2f1600681800f70de293d2d35fa129bfd2c64e14ea01bab0284e4cafcc330662' locally Trying to pull repository docker.io/kubevirtci/k8s-1.9.3 ... sha256:2f1600681800f70de293d2d35fa129bfd2c64e14ea01bab0284e4cafcc330662: Pulling from docker.io/kubevirtci/k8s-1.9.3 eb359457bc37: Pulling fs layer a068d4baae47: Pulling fs layer d867b8969b5b: Pulling fs layer bc770f22e8ac: Pulling fs layer 713f9c3973ad: Pulling fs layer dc133e2c3a66: Pulling fs layer 050f9598d39b: Pulling fs layer 3baada3bf8b7: Pulling fs layer 050f9598d39b: Waiting bc770f22e8ac: Waiting 713f9c3973ad: Waiting 3baada3bf8b7: Waiting dc133e2c3a66: Waiting d867b8969b5b: Verifying Checksum d867b8969b5b: Download complete bc770f22e8ac: Download complete 713f9c3973ad: Verifying Checksum 713f9c3973ad: Download complete dc133e2c3a66: Download complete eb359457bc37: Verifying Checksum eb359457bc37: Download complete a068d4baae47: Verifying Checksum a068d4baae47: Download complete eb359457bc37: Pull complete 3baada3bf8b7: Verifying Checksum 3baada3bf8b7: Download complete 050f9598d39b: Verifying Checksum 050f9598d39b: Download complete a068d4baae47: Pull complete d867b8969b5b: Pull complete bc770f22e8ac: Pull complete 713f9c3973ad: Pull complete dc133e2c3a66: Pull complete 050f9598d39b: Pull complete 3baada3bf8b7: Pull complete Digest: sha256:2f1600681800f70de293d2d35fa129bfd2c64e14ea01bab0284e4cafcc330662 Status: Downloaded newer image for docker.io/kubevirtci/k8s-1.9.3@sha256:2f1600681800f70de293d2d35fa129bfd2c64e14ea01bab0284e4cafcc330662 kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0_registry Unable to find image 'janeczku/nfs-ganesha:latest' locally Trying to pull repository docker.io/janeczku/nfs-ganesha ... latest: Pulling from docker.io/janeczku/nfs-ganesha d9aaf4d82f24: Pulling fs layer b1fe2fd3a00f: Pulling fs layer ba91036e1da2: Pulling fs layer 135aff89e850: Pulling fs layer 6307bf602fc7: Pulling fs layer a437df16472e: Pulling fs layer a437df16472e: Waiting ba91036e1da2: Verifying Checksum ba91036e1da2: Download complete 135aff89e850: Verifying Checksum 135aff89e850: Download complete b1fe2fd3a00f: Verifying Checksum b1fe2fd3a00f: Download complete 6307bf602fc7: Verifying Checksum 6307bf602fc7: Download complete a437df16472e: Download complete d9aaf4d82f24: Verifying Checksum d9aaf4d82f24: Download complete d9aaf4d82f24: Pull complete b1fe2fd3a00f: Pull complete ba91036e1da2: Pull complete 135aff89e850: Pull complete 6307bf602fc7: Pull complete a437df16472e: Pull complete Digest: sha256:17fe1813fd20d9fdfa497a26c8a2e39dd49748cd39dbb0559df7627d9bcf4c53 Status: Downloaded newer image for docker.io/janeczku/nfs-ganesha:latest WARNING: You're not using the default seccomp profile kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0-node01 2018/04/07 12:25:35 Waiting for host: 2018/04/07 12:25:38 Problem with dial: dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host. Sleeping 5s 2018/04/07 12:25:46 Problem with dial: dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host. Sleeping 5s 2018/04/07 12:25:51 Connected to tcp:// [init] Using Kubernetes version: v1.9.3 [init] Using Authorization modes: [Node RBAC] [preflight] Running pre-flight checks. [WARNING FileExisting-crictl]: crictl not found in system path [certificates] Generated ca certificate and key. [certificates] Generated apiserver certificate and key. [certificates] apiserver serving cert is signed for DNS names [node01 kubernetes kubernetes.default kubernetes.default.svc kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local] and IPs [] [certificates] Generated apiserver-kubelet-client certificate and key. [certificates] Generated sa key and public key. [certificates] Generated front-proxy-ca certificate and key. [certificates] Generated front-proxy-client certificate and key. [certificates] Valid certificates and keys now exist in "/etc/kubernetes/pki" [kubeconfig] Wrote KubeConfig file to disk: "admin.conf" [kubeconfig] Wrote KubeConfig file to disk: "kubelet.conf" [kubeconfig] Wrote KubeConfig file to disk: "controller-manager.conf" [kubeconfig] Wrote KubeConfig file to disk: "scheduler.conf" [controlplane] Wrote Static Pod manifest for component kube-apiserver to "/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml" [controlplane] Wrote Static Pod manifest for component kube-controller-manager to "/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml" [controlplane] Wrote Static Pod manifest for component kube-scheduler to "/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml" [etcd] Wrote Static Pod manifest for a local etcd instance to "/etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml" [init] Waiting for the kubelet to boot up the control plane as Static Pods from directory "/etc/kubernetes/manifests". [init] This might take a minute or longer if the control plane images have to be pulled. [apiclient] All control plane components are healthy after 32.511067 seconds [uploadconfig] Storing the configuration used in ConfigMap "kubeadm-config" in the "kube-system" Namespace [markmaster] Will mark node node01 as master by adding a label and a taint [markmaster] Master node01 tainted and labelled with key/value: node-role.kubernetes.io/master="" [bootstraptoken] Using token: abcdef.1234567890123456 [bootstraptoken] Configured RBAC rules to allow Node Bootstrap tokens to post CSRs in order for nodes to get long term certificate credentials [bootstraptoken] Configured RBAC rules to allow the csrapprover controller automatically approve CSRs from a Node Bootstrap Token [bootstraptoken] Configured RBAC rules to allow certificate rotation for all node client certificates in the cluster [bootstraptoken] Creating the "cluster-info" ConfigMap in the "kube-public" namespace [addons] Applied essential addon: kube-dns [addons] Applied essential addon: kube-proxy Your Kubernetes master has initialized successfully! To start using your cluster, you need to run the following as a regular user: mkdir -p $HOME/.kube sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config You should now deploy a pod network to the cluster. Run "kubectl apply -f [podnetwork].yaml" with one of the options listed at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/addons/ You can now join any number of machines by running the following on each node as root: kubeadm join --token abcdef.1234567890123456 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:ff3a8c4a21640693d2788bfb5ef36805d45cccda6897230107813c10be03ff0e clusterrole "flannel" created clusterrolebinding "flannel" created serviceaccount "flannel" created configmap "kube-flannel-cfg" created daemonset "kube-flannel-ds" created node "node01" untainted kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0-node02 2018/04/07 12:26:37 Waiting for host: 2018/04/07 12:26:40 Problem with dial: dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host. Sleeping 5s 2018/04/07 12:26:52 Connected to tcp:// [preflight] Running pre-flight checks. [WARNING FileExisting-crictl]: crictl not found in system path [discovery] Trying to connect to API Server "" [discovery] Created cluster-info discovery client, requesting info from "" [discovery] Cluster info signature and contents are valid and no TLS pinning was specified, will use API Server "" [discovery] Successfully established connection with API Server "" This node has joined the cluster: * Certificate signing request was sent to master and a response was received. * The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details. Run 'kubectl get nodes' on the master to see this node join the cluster. 2018/04/07 12:26:55 Waiting for host: 2018/04/07 12:26:55 Connected to tcp:// Warning: Permanently added '[]:32788' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. Warning: Permanently added '[]:32788' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. Cluster "kubernetes" set. Cluster "kubernetes" set. ++ kubectl get nodes --no-headers ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get nodes --no-headers ++ grep -v Ready + '[' -n '' ']' + echo 'Nodes are ready:' Nodes are ready: + kubectl get nodes + cluster/kubectl.sh get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION node01 NotReady master 38s v1.9.3 node02 NotReady 8s v1.9.3 + make cluster-sync ./cluster/build.sh Building ... sha256:6a9ee4540f213c441209d0e9c25ce1699434ef857140b3f1b80f0a2741809637 go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64 rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104) rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(764) [sender=3.0.9] Waiting for rsyncd to be ready skipping directory . go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64 8bd2367dba73067c2073ebdc8e40e02152ffb2cc129693112da2652ab1c15049 8bd2367dba73067c2073ebdc8e40e02152ffb2cc129693112da2652ab1c15049 make[1]: Entering directory `/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt' hack/dockerized "./hack/check.sh && ./hack/build-go.sh install " sha256:6a9ee4540f213c441209d0e9c25ce1699434ef857140b3f1b80f0a2741809637 go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64 skipping directory . go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64 Compiling tests... compiled tests.test 39c444f9b034974605aa3073dc46516365a63ef6e9ec801af0c47724224c0c34 39c444f9b034974605aa3073dc46516365a63ef6e9ec801af0c47724224c0c34 hack/build-docker.sh build sending incremental file list ./ Dockerfile kubernetes.repo sent 854 bytes received 53 bytes 1814.00 bytes/sec total size is 1167 speedup is 1.29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.7 MB Step 1/8 : FROM fedora:27 ---> 9110ae7f579f Step 2/8 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 05ea8a13b62f Step 3/8 : RUN useradd -u 1001 --create-home -s /bin/bash virt-controller ---> Using cache ---> ae8a4776ec8d Step 4/8 : WORKDIR /home/virt-controller ---> Using cache ---> 84b8ba07c3c8 Step 5/8 : USER 1001 ---> Using cache ---> f7fdfb92b218 Step 6/8 : COPY virt-controller /virt-controller ---> 351c1ef82216 Removing intermediate container 99892989031a Step 7/8 : ENTRYPOINT /virt-controller ---> Running in decb31460217 ---> af813d945e00 Removing intermediate container decb31460217 Step 8/8 : LABEL "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' "virt-controller" '' ---> Running in 9837a5f1fb3a ---> 1b57aaa00e7f Removing intermediate container 9837a5f1fb3a Successfully built 1b57aaa00e7f sending incremental file list ./ Dockerfile entrypoint.sh kubevirt-sudo libvirtd.sh sh.sh sock-connector sent 3282 bytes received 129 bytes 6822.00 bytes/sec total size is 5469 speedup is 1.60 Sending build context to Docker daemon 37.44 MB Step 1/14 : FROM kubevirt/libvirt:3.7.0 ---> 60c80c8f7523 Step 2/14 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 0cf0507c50a3 Step 3/14 : RUN dnf -y install socat genisoimage util-linux libcgroup-tools ethtool sudo && dnf -y clean all && test $(id -u qemu) = 107 # make sure that the qemu user really is 107 ---> Using cache ---> c15e48082114 Step 4/14 : COPY sock-connector /sock-connector ---> Using cache ---> c894751092a9 Step 5/14 : COPY sh.sh /sh.sh ---> Using cache ---> d798e2f29a04 Step 6/14 : COPY virt-launcher /virt-launcher ---> cb0c0738a63e Removing intermediate container 140c4e1bbac3 Step 7/14 : COPY kubevirt-sudo /etc/sudoers.d/kubevirt ---> 5664d691849f Removing intermediate container 189f3119d05e Step 8/14 : RUN chmod 0640 /etc/sudoers.d/kubevirt ---> Running in 6425e679c73c  ---> 90ba9645bd70 Removing intermediate container 6425e679c73c Step 9/14 : RUN rm -f /libvirtd.sh ---> Running in 285c3ffedff0  ---> e1b22f652cd1 Removing intermediate container 285c3ffedff0 Step 10/14 : COPY libvirtd.sh /libvirtd.sh ---> 43c92882c234 Removing intermediate container cea2067b7927 Step 11/14 : RUN chmod a+x /libvirtd.sh ---> Running in 56e85dbcdcc3  ---> c68de91e6c4e Removing intermediate container 56e85dbcdcc3 Step 12/14 : COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh ---> 2666a5a2cae8 Removing intermediate container 0fba83c0e61f Step 13/14 : ENTRYPOINT /entrypoint.sh ---> Running in f5c3ce238245 ---> e48309b931d7 Removing intermediate container f5c3ce238245 Step 14/14 : LABEL "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' "virt-launcher" '' ---> Running in 8864f83ea751 ---> e1d3e885f4b0 Removing intermediate container 8864f83ea751 Successfully built e1d3e885f4b0 sending incremental file list ./ Dockerfile sent 585 bytes received 34 bytes 1238.00 bytes/sec total size is 775 speedup is 1.25 Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.37 MB Step 1/5 : FROM fedora:27 ---> 9110ae7f579f Step 2/5 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 05ea8a13b62f Step 3/5 : COPY virt-handler /virt-handler ---> 6c41b6c55f53 Removing intermediate container eec82daee4cd Step 4/5 : ENTRYPOINT /virt-handler ---> Running in 61c6332bdf27 ---> 89bb120e45b2 Removing intermediate container 61c6332bdf27 Step 5/5 : LABEL "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' "virt-handler" '' ---> Running in 1942353cdbda ---> caa4f6157e2a Removing intermediate container 1942353cdbda Successfully built caa4f6157e2a sending incremental file list ./ Dockerfile sent 864 bytes received 34 bytes 1796.00 bytes/sec total size is 1377 speedup is 1.53 Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.12 MB Step 1/9 : FROM fedora:27 ---> 9110ae7f579f Step 2/9 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 05ea8a13b62f Step 3/9 : RUN useradd -u 1001 --create-home -s /bin/bash virt-api ---> Using cache ---> 5f85ee360661 Step 4/9 : WORKDIR /home/virt-api ---> Using cache ---> b7eef8c6fdc3 Step 5/9 : USER 1001 ---> Using cache ---> b7b39ab9a520 Step 6/9 : RUN curl -OL https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/tarball/38f74164a7062edb5dc80ef2fdddda24f3f6eb85/swagger-ui.tar.gz && mkdir swagger-ui && tar xf swagger-ui.tar.gz -C swagger-ui --strip-components 1 && mkdir third_party && mv swagger-ui/dist third_party/swagger-ui && rm -rf swagger-ui && sed -e 's@"http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json"@"/swaggerapi/"@' -i third_party/swagger-ui/index.html && rm swagger-ui.tar.gz && rm -rf swagger-ui ---> Using cache ---> 22d8bebf6ab4 Step 7/9 : COPY virt-api /virt-api ---> 6e768a797f59 Removing intermediate container db2b25f70b55 Step 8/9 : ENTRYPOINT /virt-api ---> Running in ceb39b3f6dbe ---> e40d1a86d789 Removing intermediate container ceb39b3f6dbe Step 9/9 : LABEL "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' "virt-api" '' ---> Running in 2f4e7792009e ---> ccaac3306b3e Removing intermediate container 2f4e7792009e Successfully built ccaac3306b3e sending incremental file list created directory /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd ./ Dockerfile run-tgt.sh sent 2185 bytes received 53 bytes 4476.00 bytes/sec total size is 3992 speedup is 1.78 Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.656 kB Step 1/10 : FROM fedora:27 ---> 9110ae7f579f Step 2/10 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 05ea8a13b62f Step 3/10 : ENV container docker ---> Using cache ---> 42daee89c60c Step 4/10 : RUN dnf -y install scsi-target-utils bzip2 e2fsprogs ---> Using cache ---> 7201f06ab604 Step 5/10 : RUN mkdir -p /images ---> Using cache ---> 8e3fc5e02ef5 Step 6/10 : RUN curl http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.7/releases/x86_64/alpine-virt-3.7.0-x86_64.iso > /images/1-alpine.img ---> Using cache ---> e917bd0d2f3f Step 7/10 : ADD run-tgt.sh / ---> Using cache ---> 4b7b56c4dfb0 Step 8/10 : EXPOSE 3260 ---> Using cache ---> f97abc900465 Step 9/10 : CMD /run-tgt.sh ---> Using cache ---> 63d7de24abbc Step 10/10 : LABEL "iscsi-demo-target-tgtd" '' "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' ---> Running in 78b654deaa8a ---> 0c8294300e36 Removing intermediate container 78b654deaa8a Successfully built 0c8294300e36 sending incremental file list created directory /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd/vm-killer ./ Dockerfile sent 602 bytes received 34 bytes 424.00 bytes/sec total size is 787 speedup is 1.24 Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.56 kB Step 1/5 : FROM fedora:27 ---> 9110ae7f579f Step 2/5 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 05ea8a13b62f Step 3/5 : ENV container docker ---> Using cache ---> 42daee89c60c Step 4/5 : RUN dnf -y install procps-ng && dnf -y clean all ---> Using cache ---> 75dcb2ffd2bd Step 5/5 : LABEL "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' "vm-killer" '' ---> Running in e40ba8e8cfec ---> 13634a17c0db Removing intermediate container e40ba8e8cfec Successfully built 13634a17c0db sending incremental file list created directory /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd/registry-disk-v1alpha ./ Dockerfile entry-point.sh sent 1529 bytes received 53 bytes 3164.00 bytes/sec total size is 2482 speedup is 1.57 Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.12 kB Step 1/7 : FROM debian:sid ---> bcec0ae8107e Step 2/7 : MAINTAINER "David Vossel" \ ---> Using cache ---> b1f5718be6dd Step 3/7 : ENV container docker ---> Using cache ---> dd20c8f6c0fd Step 4/7 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y bash curl bzip2 qemu-utils && mkdir -p /disk && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ---> Using cache ---> 625894bac383 Step 5/7 : ADD entry-point.sh / ---> Using cache ---> b99a70a292aa Step 6/7 : CMD /entry-point.sh ---> Using cache ---> 36ef7e9fa1c2 Step 7/7 : LABEL "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' "registry-disk-v1alpha" '' ---> Running in 40d3e5a9ee0f ---> 02a341da2ea9 Removing intermediate container 40d3e5a9ee0f Successfully built 02a341da2ea9 sending incremental file list created directory /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd/cirros-registry-disk-demo ./ Dockerfile sent 630 bytes received 34 bytes 1328.00 bytes/sec total size is 825 speedup is 1.24 Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.56 kB Step 1/4 : FROM localhost:32787/kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha:devel ---> 02a341da2ea9 Step 2/4 : MAINTAINER "David Vossel" \ ---> Running in 0b2cc80f9a0c ---> a4f1ace0f32c Removing intermediate container 0b2cc80f9a0c Step 3/4 : RUN curl https://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img > /disk/cirros.img ---> Running in 1163a5c46c5b   % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0 1 12.1M 1 128k 0 0 45685 0 0:04:38 0:00:02 0:04:36 45669 8 12.1M 8 1008k 0 0 265k 0 0:00:46 0:00:03 0:00:43 265k 37 12.1M 37 4640k 0 0 967k 0 0:00:12 0:00:04 0:00:08 967k 92 12.1M 92 11.2M 0 0 1984k 0 0:00:06 0:00:05 0:00:01 2685k 100 12.1M 100 12.1M 0 0 2120k 0 0:00:05 0:00:05 --:--:-- 3097k  ---> e19a0784d6de Removing intermediate container 1163a5c46c5b Step 4/4 : LABEL "cirros-registry-disk-demo" '' "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' ---> Running in d8a4e2c84308 ---> 156658e13893 Removing intermediate container d8a4e2c84308 Successfully built 156658e13893 sending incremental file list created directory /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo ./ Dockerfile sent 677 bytes received 34 bytes 1422.00 bytes/sec total size is 926 speedup is 1.30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.56 kB Step 1/4 : FROM localhost:32787/kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha:devel ---> 02a341da2ea9 Step 2/4 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Running in ea7cc7a4da22 ---> 2e335a623f56 Removing intermediate container ea7cc7a4da22 Step 3/4 : RUN curl -g -L https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/27/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-27-1.6.x86_64.qcow2 > /disk/fedora.qcow2 ---> Running in 8d4d9101a04b   % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current  Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0  0 221M 0 181k 0 0 109k 0 0:34:38 0:00:01 0:34:37 109k 0 221M 0 757k 0 0 292k 0 0:12:56 0:00:02 0:12:54 617k 0 221M 0 1561k 0 0 431k 0 0:08:45 0:00:03 0:08:42 705k 1 221M 1 2789k 0 0 601k 0 0:06:17 0:00:04 0:06:13 875k 2 221M 2 4985k 0 0 888k 0 0:04:15 0:00:05 0:04:10 1215k 5 221M 5 11.2M 0 0 1743k 0 0:02:10 0:00:06 0:02:04 2294k 13 221M 13 29.8M 0 0 4024k 0 0:00:56 0:00:07 0:00:49 5956k 25 221M 25 57.2M 0 0 6820k 0 0:00:33 0:00:08 0:00:25 11.1M 39 221M 39 87.8M 0 0 9363k 0 0:00:24 0:00:09 0:00:15 17.1M 53 221M 53 118M 0 0 11.2M 0 0:00:19 0:00:10 0:00:09 22.8M 66 221M 66 147M 0 0 12.7M 0 0:00:17 0:00:11 0:00:06 27.1M 77 221M 77 171M 0 0 13.5M 0 0:00:16 0:00:12 0:00:04 28.0M 77 221M 77 171M 0 0 12.5M 0 0:00:17 0:00:13 0:00:04 22.7M 77 221M 77 171M 0 0 11.7M  0 0:00:18 0:00:14 0:00:04 16.7M 77 221M 77 172M 0 0 11.0M 0 0:00:20 0:00:15 0:00:05 10.6M 78 221M 78 173M 0 0 10.4M 0 0:00:21 0:00:16 0:00:05 5407k 79 221M 79 175M 0 0 9.9M 0 0:00:22 0:00:17 0:00:05 836k 79 221M 79 177M 0 0 9730k 0  0:00:23 0:00:18 0:00:05 1191k 81 221M 81 179M 0 0 9380k 0 0:00:24 0:00:19 0:00:05 1598k 82 221M 82 183M 0 0 9102k 0 0:00:24 0:00:20 0:00:04 2153k 85 221M 85 188M 0 0 8942k 0 0:00:25 0:00:21 0:00:04 3034k 88 221M 88 197M 0 0 8921k 0 0:00:25 0:00:22 0:00:03 4503k 93 221M 93 207M 0 0 9014k 0 0:00:25 0:00:23 0:00:02 6323k 95 221M 95 211M 0 0 8812k 0 0:00:25 0:00:24 0:00:01 6580k 95 221M 95 212M 0 0 8490k 0 0:00:26 0:00:25 0:00:01 5985k 96 221M 96 213M 0 0 8219k  0 0:00:27 0:00:26 0:00:01 5100k 97 221M 97 215M 0 0 7978k  0 0:00:28 0:00:27 0:00:01 3686k 97 221M 97 217M 0 0 7766k 0 0:00:29 0:00:28 0:00:01 1912k 99 221M 99 220M 0 0 7613k 0 0:00:29 0:00:29 --:--:-- 1705k 100 221M 100 221M 0 0 7547k  0 0:00:30 0:00:30 --:--:-- 2100k  ---> b92a9922e20a Removing intermediate container 8d4d9101a04b Step 4/4 : LABEL "fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo" '' "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' ---> Running in b6a6d175767b ---> f27864712c9c Removing intermediate container b6a6d175767b Successfully built f27864712c9c sending incremental file list created directory /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd/alpine-registry-disk-demo ./ Dockerfile sent 639 bytes received 34 bytes 1346.00 bytes/sec total size is 866 speedup is 1.29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.56 kB Step 1/4 : FROM localhost:32787/kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha:devel ---> 02a341da2ea9 Step 2/4 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 2e335a623f56 Step 3/4 : RUN curl http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.7/releases/x86_64/alpine-virt-3.7.0-x86_64.iso > /disk/alpine.iso ---> Running in fa43c3daebcf  % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0 2 37.0M 2 1124k 0 0 428k 0 0:01:28 0:00:02 0:01:26 428k 5 37.0M 5 1942k 0 0 537k 0 0:01:10 0:00:03 0:01:07 537k 10 37.0M 10 3906k 0 0 777k 0 0:00:48 0:00:05 0:00:43 777k 13 37.0M 13 5127k 0 0 906k 0 0:00:41 0:00:05 0:00:36 1236k 16 37.0M 16 6318k 0 0 955k  0 0:00:39 0:00:06 0:00:33 1290k 21 37.0M 21 8317k 0 0 1087k 0 0:00:34 0:00:07 0:00:27 1431k 26 37.0M 26 9.9M 0 0 1184k  0 0:00:31 0:00:08 0:00:23 1651k 32 37.0M 32 12.0M 0 0 1287k 0 0:00:29 0:00:09 0:00:20 1844k 39 37.0M 39 14.4M 0 0 1395k 0 0:00:27 0:00:10 0:00:17 1950k 44 37.0M 44 16.6M 0 0 1466k 0 0:00:25 0:00:11 0:00:14 2139k 51 37.0M 51 19.0M 0 0 1544k 0 0:00:24 0:00:12 0:00:12 2250k 57 37.0M 57 21.3M 0 0 1602k   0 0:00:23 0:00:13 0:00:10 2322k 64 37.0M 64 23.7M 0 0 1667k 0 0:00:22 0:00:14 0:00:08 2399k 70 37.0M 70 26.2M 0 0 1720k 0 0:00:22 0:00:15 0:00:07 2412k 77 37.0M 77 28.7M 0 0 1770k 0 0:00:21 0:00:16 0:00:05 2478k 84 37.0M 84 31.4M 0 0 1825k 0 0:00:20 0:00:17 0:00:03 2528k 91 37.0M 91 33.9M 0 0 1870k 0 0:00:20 0:00:18 0:00:02 2603k 99 37.0M 99 36.8M 0 0 1922k 0 0:00:19 0:00:19 --:--:-- 2665k 100 37.0M 100 37.0M 0 0 1922k 0 0:00:19 0:00:19 --:--:-- 2700k  ---> ad326ad033fe Removing intermediate container fa43c3daebcf Step 4/4 : LABEL "alpine-registry-disk-demo" '' "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' ---> Running in 82444b0cb6a9 ---> bccd47e9b1d5 Removing intermediate container 82444b0cb6a9 Successfully built bccd47e9b1d5 sending incremental file list ./ Dockerfile sent 660 bytes received 34 bytes 1388.00 bytes/sec total size is 918 speedup is 1.32 Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.59 MB Step 1/8 : FROM fedora:27 ---> 9110ae7f579f Step 2/8 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 05ea8a13b62f Step 3/8 : RUN useradd -u 1001 --create-home -s /bin/bash virtctl ---> Using cache ---> 44f819f3ca2e Step 4/8 : WORKDIR /home/virtctl ---> Using cache ---> c47fe5e63ba9 Step 5/8 : USER 1001 ---> Using cache ---> 35c7ba95b0f9 Step 6/8 : COPY subresource-access-test /subresource-access-test ---> 59bcc657564f Removing intermediate container f26f4ac9ec00 Step 7/8 : ENTRYPOINT /subresource-access-test ---> Running in fd54aa24e1e8 ---> 900fbdd19c5a Removing intermediate container fd54aa24e1e8 Step 8/8 : LABEL "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' "subresource-access-test" '' ---> Running in 33e53b8ca266 ---> 7e6ebc2e925b Removing intermediate container 33e53b8ca266 Successfully built 7e6ebc2e925b sending incremental file list created directory /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd/winrmcli ./ Dockerfile sent 773 bytes received 34 bytes 1614.00 bytes/sec total size is 1098 speedup is 1.36 Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB Step 1/9 : FROM fedora:27 ---> 9110ae7f579f Step 2/9 : MAINTAINER "The KubeVirt Project" ---> Using cache ---> 05ea8a13b62f Step 3/9 : ENV container docker ---> Using cache ---> 42daee89c60c Step 4/9 : RUN dnf -y install make git gcc && dnf -y clean all ---> Running in c1d7b10374df Fedora 27 - x86_64 - Updates 4.2 MB/s | 22 MB 00:05 Fedora 27 - x86_64 2.4 MB/s | 58 MB 00:24 Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:14 ago on Sat Apr 7 12:33:52 2018. Dependencies resolved. ================================================================================ Package Arch Version Repository Size ================================================================================ Installing: gcc x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27 updates 21 M git x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27 updates 1.1 M make x86_64 1:4.2.1-4.fc27 fedora 494 k Upgrading: glibc x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 updates 3.4 M glibc-common x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 updates 789 k glibc-langpack-en x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 updates 278 k libcrypt-nss x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 updates 40 k Installing dependencies: binutils x86_64 2.29-13.fc27 updates 5.9 M cpp x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27 updates 9.4 M fipscheck x86_64 1.5.0-3.fc27 fedora 25 k fipscheck-lib x86_64 1.5.0-3.fc27 fedora 14 k gc x86_64 7.6.0-7.fc27 fedora 110 k git-core x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27 updates 4.1 M git-core-doc x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27 updates 2.2 M glibc-devel x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 updates 989 k glibc-headers x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 updates 504 k groff-base x86_64 1.22.3-14.fc27 updates 1.0 M guile x86_64 5:2.0.14-3.fc27 fedora 3.5 M isl x86_64 0.16.1-3.fc27 fedora 835 k kernel-headers x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27 updates 1.2 M less x86_64 487-5.fc27 fedora 159 k libatomic_ops x86_64 7.4.6-3.fc27 fedora 33 k libedit x86_64 3.1-20.20170329cvs.fc27 fedora 99 k libgomp x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27 updates 211 k libmpc x86_64 1.0.2-8.fc27 fedora 56 k libstdc++ x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27 updates 482 k libtool-ltdl x86_64 2.4.6-20.fc27 fedora 55 k openssh x86_64 7.6p1-5.fc27 updates 501 k openssh-clients x86_64 7.6p1-5.fc27 updates 671 k perl-Carp noarch 1.42-394.fc27 fedora 28 k perl-Encode x86_64 4:2.94-16.fc27 updates 1.5 M perl-Errno x86_64 1.28-403.fc27 updates 72 k perl-Error noarch 1:0.17025-1.fc27 fedora 44 k perl-Exporter noarch 5.72-395.fc27 fedora 32 k perl-File-Path noarch 2.15-1.fc27 fedora 37 k perl-File-Temp noarch 0.230.400-394.fc27 fedora 61 k perl-Getopt-Long noarch 1:2.50-3.fc27 fedora 61 k perl-Git noarch 2.14.3-3.fc27 updates 68 k perl-HTTP-Tiny noarch 0.070-394.fc27 fedora 56 k perl-IO x86_64 1.38-403.fc27 updates 138 k perl-MIME-Base64 x86_64 3.15-395.fc27 fedora 29 k perl-PathTools x86_64 3.74-1.fc27 updates 88 k perl-Pod-Escapes noarch 1:1.07-394.fc27 fedora 19 k perl-Pod-Perldoc noarch 3.28-395.fc27 fedora 87 k perl-Pod-Simple noarch 1:3.35-394.fc27 fedora 211 k perl-Pod-Usage noarch 4:1.69-394.fc27 fedora 33 k perl-Scalar-List-Utils x86_64 3:1.48-1.fc27 fedora 65 k perl-Socket x86_64 4:2.027-1.fc27 updates 57 k perl-Storable x86_64 1:2.62-395.fc27 fedora 84 k perl-Term-ANSIColor noarch 4.06-395.fc27 fedora 44 k perl-Term-Cap noarch 1.17-394.fc27 fedora 21 k perl-TermReadKey x86_64 2.37-5.fc27 fedora 38 k perl-Text-ParseWords noarch 3.30-394.fc27 fedora 16 k perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap noarch 2013.0523-394.fc27 fedora 23 k perl-Time-Local noarch 1:1.250-394.fc27 fedora 30 k perl-Unicode-Normalize x86_64 1.25-395.fc27 fedora 80 k perl-constant noarch 1.33-395.fc27 fedora 24 k perl-interpreter x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27 updates 6.2 M perl-libs x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27 updates 1.5 M perl-macros x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27 updates 68 k perl-parent noarch 1:0.236-394.fc27 fedora 18 k perl-podlators noarch 4.09-395.fc27 updates 115 k perl-threads x86_64 1:2.21-1.fc27 updates 60 k perl-threads-shared x86_64 1.58-1.fc27 updates 46 k Installing weak dependencies: perl-IO-Socket-IP noarch 0.39-4.fc27 fedora 45 k perl-Mozilla-CA noarch 20160104-6.fc27 fedora 14 k Transaction Summary ================================================================================ Install 62 Packages Upgrade 4 Packages Total download size: 71 M Downloading Packages: (1/66): gc-7.6.0-7.fc27.x86_64.rpm 133 kB/s | 110 kB 00:00 (2/66): libatomic_ops-7.4.6-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 224 kB/s | 33 kB 00:00 (3/66): make-4.2.1-4.fc27.x86_64.rpm 444 kB/s | 494 kB 00:01 (4/66): libtool-ltdl-2.4.6-20.fc27.x86_64.rpm 375 kB/s | 55 kB 00:00 (5/66): guile-2.0.14-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 1.6 MB/s | 3.5 MB 00:02 (6/66): git-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 1.0 MB/s | 1.1 MB 00:01 (7/66): perl-Git-2.14.3-3.fc27.noarch.rpm 611 kB/s | 68 kB 00:00 (8/66): git-core-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 2.9 MB/s | 4.1 MB 00:01 (9/66): perl-Error-0.17025-1.fc27.noarch.rpm 136 kB/s | 44 kB 00:00 (10/66): perl-TermReadKey-2.37-5.fc27.x86_64.rp 254 kB/s | 38 kB 00:00 (11/66): perl-Getopt-Long-2.50-3.fc27.noarch.rp 148 kB/s | 61 kB 00:00 (12/66): less-487-5.fc27.x86_64.rpm 564 kB/s | 159 kB 00:00 (13/66): perl-Carp-1.42-394.fc27.noarch.rpm 203 kB/s | 28 kB 00:00 (14/66): git-core-doc-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 2.0 MB/s | 2.2 MB 00:01 (15/66): perl-Time-Local-1.250-394.fc27.noarch. 164 kB/s | 30 kB 00:00 (16/66): perl-Exporter-5.72-395.fc27.noarch.rpm 167 kB/s | 32 kB 00:00 (17/66): perl-Pod-Usage-1.69-394.fc27.noarch.rp 233 kB/s | 33 kB 00:00 (18/66): perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-394.fc27.noa 61 kB/s | 16 kB 00:00 (19/66): perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.48-1.fc27.x86 229 kB/s | 65 kB 00:00 (20/66): perl-constant-1.33-395.fc27.noarch.rpm 89 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00 (21/66): perl-parent-0.236-394.fc27.noarch.rpm 122 kB/s | 18 kB 00:00 (22/66): perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.28-395.fc27.noarch. 321 kB/s | 87 kB 00:00 (23/66): perl-File-Temp-0.230.400-394.fc27.noar 403 kB/s | 61 kB 00:00 (24/66): perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.070-394.fc27.noarch.r 205 kB/s | 56 kB 00:00 (25/66): perl-File-Path-2.15-1.fc27.noarch.rpm 138 kB/s | 37 kB 00:00 (26/66): perl-Pod-Simple-3.35-394.fc27.noarch.r 744 kB/s | 211 kB 00:00 (27/66): perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-395.fc27.x86_64. 105 kB/s | 29 kB 00:00 (28/66): perl-Pod-Escapes-1.07-394.fc27.noarch. 130 kB/s | 19 kB 00:00 (29/66): perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-394.fc27 97 kB/s | 23 kB 00:00 (30/66): cpp-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64.rpm 13 MB/s | 9.4 MB 00:00 (31/66): isl-0.16.1-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 1.2 MB/s | 835 kB 00:00 (32/66): glibc-devel-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64.rpm 6.3 MB/s | 989 kB 00:00 (33/66): glibc-headers-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64.rpm 4.0 MB/s | 504 kB 00:00 (34/66): libmpc-1.0.2-8.fc27.x86_64.rpm 110 kB/s | 56 kB 00:00 (35/66): gcc-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64.rpm 13 MB/s | 21 MB 00:01 (36/66): perl-libs-5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64.rpm 3.6 MB/s | 1.5 MB 00:00 (37/66): perl-interpreter-5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_6 7.2 MB/s | 6.2 MB 00:00 (38/66): perl-Errno-1.28-403.fc27.x86_64.rpm 297 kB/s | 72 kB 00:00 (39/66): perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.25-395.fc27.x 215 kB/s | 80 kB 00:00 (40/66): perl-PathTools-3.74-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm 804 kB/s | 88 kB 00:00 (41/66): perl-podlators-4.09-395.fc27.noarch.rp 488 kB/s | 115 kB 00:00 (42/66): perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.06-395.fc27.noar 301 kB/s | 44 kB 00:00 (43/66): perl-Encode-2.94-16.fc27.x86_64.rpm 8.5 MB/s | 1.5 MB 00:00 (44/66): perl-Term-Cap-1.17-394.fc27.noarch.rpm 69 kB/s | 21 kB 00:00 (45/66): perl-Storable-2.62-395.fc27.x86_64.rpm 310 kB/s | 84 kB 00:00 (46/66): perl-IO-1.38-403.fc27.x86_64.rpm 1.2 MB/s | 138 kB 00:00 (47/66): perl-Socket-2.027-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm 554 kB/s | 57 kB 00:00 (48/66): groff-base-1.22.3-14.fc27.x86_64.rpm 3.9 MB/s | 1.0 MB 00:00 (49/66): libstdc++-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64.rpm 2.3 MB/s | 482 kB 00:00 (50/66): perl-macros-5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64.rpm 466 kB/s | 68 kB 00:00 (51/66): perl-threads-2.21-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm 361 kB/s | 60 kB 00:00 (52/66): perl-threads-shared-1.58-1.fc27.x86_64 332 kB/s | 46 kB 00:00 (53/66): kernel-headers-4.15.14-300.fc27.x86_64 6.3 MB/s | 1.2 MB 00:00 (54/66): openssh-clients-7.6p1-5.fc27.x86_64.rp 4.1 MB/s | 671 kB 00:00 (55/66): openssh-7.6p1-5.fc27.x86_64.rpm 2.1 MB/s | 501 kB 00:00 (56/66): fipscheck-lib-1.5.0-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 90 kB/s | 14 kB 00:00 (57/66): fipscheck-1.5.0-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm 180 kB/s | 25 kB 00:00 (58/66): libgomp-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64.rpm 1.8 MB/s | 211 kB 00:00 (59/66): binutils-2.29-13.fc27.x86_64.rpm 11 MB/s | 5.9 MB 00:00 (60/66): libedit-3.1-20.20170329cvs.fc27.x86_64 153 kB/s | 99 kB 00:00 (61/66): perl-Mozilla-CA-20160104-6.fc27.noarch 50 kB/s | 14 kB 00:00 (62/66): glibc-common-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64.rpm 5.3 MB/s | 789 kB 00:00 (63/66): perl-IO-Socket-IP-0.39-4.fc27.noarch.r 287 kB/s | 45 kB 00:00 (64/66): glibc-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64.rpm 11 MB/s | 3.4 MB 00:00 (65/66): libcrypt-nss-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64.rpm 233 kB/s | 40 kB 00:00 (66/66): glibc-langpack-en-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64. 1.5 MB/s | 278 kB 00:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 7.3 MB/s | 71 MB 00:09 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Upgrading : glibc-common-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 1/70 Upgrading : glibc-langpack-en-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 2/70 Running scriptlet: glibc-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 3/70 Upgrading : glibc-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 3/70 Running scriptlet: glibc-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 3/70 Upgrading : libcrypt-nss-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 4/70 Running scriptlet: libcrypt-nss-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 4/70 Installing : perl-Exporter-5.72-395.fc27.noarch 5/70 Installing : perl-libs-4:5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64 6/70 Running scriptlet: perl-libs-4:5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64 6/70 Installing : perl-Carp-1.42-394.fc27.noarch 7/70 Installing : perl-Scalar-List-Utils-3:1.48-1.fc27.x86_64 8/70 Installing : fipscheck-1.5.0-3.fc27.x86_64 9/70 Installing : fipscheck-lib-1.5.0-3.fc27.x86_64 10/70 Running scriptlet: fipscheck-lib-1.5.0-3.fc27.x86_64 10/70 Installing : perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-394.fc27.noarch 11/70 Installing : libmpc-1.0.2-8.fc27.x86_64 12/70 Running scriptlet: libmpc-1.0.2-8.fc27.x86_64 12/70 Installing : libstdc++-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 13/70 Running scriptlet: libstdc++-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 13/70 Installing : groff-base-1.22.3-14.fc27.x86_64 14/70 Installing : cpp-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 15/70 Running scriptlet: cpp-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 15/70 Running scriptlet: openssh-7.6p1-5.fc27.x86_64 16/70 Installing : openssh-7.6p1-5.fc27.x86_64 16/70 Installing : perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.06-395.fc27.noarch 17/70 Installing : perl-macros-4:5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64 18/70 Installing : perl-constant-1.33-395.fc27.noarch 19/70 Installing : perl-parent-1:0.236-394.fc27.noarch 20/70 Installing : perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-394.fc27.noarch 21/70 Installing : perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.25-395.fc27.x86_64 22/70 Installing : perl-File-Path-2.15-1.fc27.noarch 23/70 Installing : perl-PathTools-3.74-1.fc27.x86_64 24/70 Installing : perl-Errno-1.28-403.fc27.x86_64 25/70 Installing : perl-IO-1.38-403.fc27.x86_64 26/70 Installing : perl-Socket-4:2.027-1.fc27.x86_64 27/70 Installing : perl-threads-1:2.21-1.fc27.x86_64 28/70 Installing : perl-threads-shared-1.58-1.fc27.x86_64 29/70 Installing : perl-interpreter-4:5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64 30/70 Installing : perl-Error-1:0.17025-1.fc27.noarch 31/70 Installing : perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-395.fc27.x86_64 32/70 Installing : perl-Time-Local-1:1.250-394.fc27.noarch 33/70 Installing : perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.070-394.fc27.noarch 34/70 Installing : perl-TermReadKey-2.37-5.fc27.x86_64 35/70 Installing : perl-File-Temp-0.230.400-394.fc27.noarch 36/70 Installing : perl-Pod-Escapes-1:1.07-394.fc27.noarch 37/70 Installing : perl-Term-Cap-1.17-394.fc27.noarch 38/70 Installing : perl-Storable-1:2.62-395.fc27.x86_64 39/70 Installing : perl-Pod-Simple-1:3.35-394.fc27.noarch 40/70 Installing : perl-Pod-Usage-4:1.69-394.fc27.noarch 41/70 Installing : perl-Getopt-Long-1:2.50-3.fc27.noarch 42/70 Installing : perl-Encode-4:2.94-16.fc27.x86_64 43/70 Installing : perl-podlators-4.09-395.fc27.noarch 44/70 Installing : perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.28-395.fc27.noarch 45/70 Installing : libatomic_ops-7.4.6-3.fc27.x86_64 46/70 Running scriptlet: libatomic_ops-7.4.6-3.fc27.x86_64 46/70 Installing : gc-7.6.0-7.fc27.x86_64 47/70 Running scriptlet: gc-7.6.0-7.fc27.x86_64 47/70 Installing : libtool-ltdl-2.4.6-20.fc27.x86_64 48/70 Running scriptlet: libtool-ltdl-2.4.6-20.fc27.x86_64 48/70 Installing : guile-5:2.0.14-3.fc27.x86_64 49/70 Running scriptlet: guile-5:2.0.14-3.fc27.x86_64 49/70 Installing : less-487-5.fc27.x86_64 50/70 Installing : isl-0.16.1-3.fc27.x86_64 51/70 Running scriptlet: isl-0.16.1-3.fc27.x86_64 51/70 Installing : libedit-3.1-20.20170329cvs.fc27.x86_64 52/70 Running scriptlet: libedit-3.1-20.20170329cvs.fc27.x86_64 52/70 Installing : openssh-clients-7.6p1-5.fc27.x86_64 53/70 Installing : git-core-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64 54/70 Installing : git-core-doc-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64 55/70 Installing : perl-Git-2.14.3-3.fc27.noarch 56/70 Installing : git-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64 57/70 Installing : binutils-2.29-13.fc27.x86_64 58/70 Running scriptlet: binutils-2.29-13.fc27.x86_64 58/70 install-info: No such file or directory for /usr/share/info/as.info.gz install-info: No such file or directory for /usr/share/info/binutils.info.gz install-info: No such file or directory for /usr/share/info/gprof.info.gz install-info: No such file or directory for /usr/share/info/ld.info.gz Installing : libgomp-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 59/70 Running scriptlet: libgomp-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 59/70 Installing : kernel-headers-4.15.14-300.fc27.x86_64 60/70 Running scriptlet: glibc-headers-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 61/70 Installing : glibc-headers-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 61/70 Installing : glibc-devel-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 62/70 Running scriptlet: glibc-devel-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 62/70 Installing : gcc-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 63/70 Running scriptlet: gcc-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 63/70 Installing : make-1:4.2.1-4.fc27.x86_64 64/70 Running scriptlet: make-1:4.2.1-4.fc27.x86_64 64/70 Installing : perl-IO-Socket-IP-0.39-4.fc27.noarch 65/70 Installing : perl-Mozilla-CA-20160104-6.fc27.noarch 66/70 Cleanup : libcrypt-nss-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 67/70 Running scriptlet: libcrypt-nss-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 67/70 Cleanup : glibc-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 68/70 Running scriptlet: glibc-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 68/70 Cleanup : glibc-langpack-en-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 69/70 Cleanup : glibc-common-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 70/70 Running scriptlet: guile-5:2.0.14-3.fc27.x86_64 70/70 Verifying : make-1:4.2.1-4.fc27.x86_64 1/70 Verifying : gc-7.6.0-7.fc27.x86_64 2/70 Verifying : guile-5:2.0.14-3.fc27.x86_64 3/70 Verifying : libatomic_ops-7.4.6-3.fc27.x86_64 4/70 Verifying : libtool-ltdl-2.4.6-20.fc27.x86_64 5/70 Verifying : git-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64 6/70 Verifying : git-core-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64 7/70 Verifying : git-core-doc-2.14.3-3.fc27.x86_64 8/70 Verifying : perl-Git-2.14.3-3.fc27.noarch 9/70 Verifying : perl-Error-1:0.17025-1.fc27.noarch 10/70 Verifying : perl-Getopt-Long-1:2.50-3.fc27.noarch 11/70 Verifying : perl-TermReadKey-2.37-5.fc27.x86_64 12/70 Verifying : less-487-5.fc27.x86_64 13/70 Verifying : perl-Carp-1.42-394.fc27.noarch 14/70 Verifying : perl-Exporter-5.72-395.fc27.noarch 15/70 Verifying : perl-Time-Local-1:1.250-394.fc27.noarch 16/70 Verifying : perl-Scalar-List-Utils-3:1.48-1.fc27.x86_64 17/70 Verifying : perl-Pod-Usage-4:1.69-394.fc27.noarch 18/70 Verifying : perl-Text-ParseWords-3.30-394.fc27.noarch 19/70 Verifying : perl-constant-1.33-395.fc27.noarch 20/70 Verifying : perl-parent-1:0.236-394.fc27.noarch 21/70 Verifying : perl-Pod-Perldoc-3.28-395.fc27.noarch 22/70 Verifying : perl-File-Temp-0.230.400-394.fc27.noarch 23/70 Verifying : perl-HTTP-Tiny-0.070-394.fc27.noarch 24/70 Verifying : perl-Pod-Simple-1:3.35-394.fc27.noarch 25/70 Verifying : perl-File-Path-2.15-1.fc27.noarch 26/70 Verifying : perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-395.fc27.x86_64 27/70 Verifying : perl-Pod-Escapes-1:1.07-394.fc27.noarch 28/70 Verifying : perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-394.fc27.noarch 29/70 Verifying : gcc-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 30/70 Verifying : cpp-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 31/70 Verifying : isl-0.16.1-3.fc27.x86_64 32/70 Verifying : libmpc-1.0.2-8.fc27.x86_64 33/70 Verifying : glibc-devel-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 34/70 Verifying : glibc-headers-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 35/70 Verifying : perl-interpreter-4:5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64 36/70 Verifying : perl-libs-4:5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64 37/70 Verifying : perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.25-395.fc27.x86_64 38/70 Verifying : perl-Errno-1.28-403.fc27.x86_64 39/70 Verifying : perl-PathTools-3.74-1.fc27.x86_64 40/70 Verifying : perl-podlators-4.09-395.fc27.noarch 41/70 Verifying : perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.06-395.fc27.noarch 42/70 Verifying : perl-Term-Cap-1.17-394.fc27.noarch 43/70 Verifying : perl-Encode-4:2.94-16.fc27.x86_64 44/70 Verifying : perl-Storable-1:2.62-395.fc27.x86_64 45/70 Verifying : groff-base-1.22.3-14.fc27.x86_64 46/70 Verifying : perl-IO-1.38-403.fc27.x86_64 47/70 Verifying : perl-Socket-4:2.027-1.fc27.x86_64 48/70 Verifying : libstdc++-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 49/70 Verifying : perl-macros-4:5.26.1-403.fc27.x86_64 50/70 Verifying : perl-threads-1:2.21-1.fc27.x86_64 51/70 Verifying : perl-threads-shared-1.58-1.fc27.x86_64 52/70 Verifying : kernel-headers-4.15.14-300.fc27.x86_64 53/70 Verifying : openssh-clients-7.6p1-5.fc27.x86_64 54/70 Verifying : openssh-7.6p1-5.fc27.x86_64 55/70 Verifying : fipscheck-lib-1.5.0-3.fc27.x86_64 56/70 Verifying : libedit-3.1-20.20170329cvs.fc27.x86_64 57/70 Verifying : fipscheck-1.5.0-3.fc27.x86_64 58/70 Verifying : binutils-2.29-13.fc27.x86_64 59/70 Verifying : libgomp-7.3.1-5.fc27.x86_64 60/70 Verifying : perl-Mozilla-CA-20160104-6.fc27.noarch 61/70 Verifying : perl-IO-Socket-IP-0.39-4.fc27.noarch 62/70 Verifying : glibc-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 63/70 Verifying : glibc-common-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 64/70 Verifying : glibc-langpack-en-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 65/70 Verifying : libcrypt-nss-2.26-27.fc27.x86_64 66/70 Verifying : glibc-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 67/70 Verifying : glibc-common-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 68/70 Verifying : glibc-langpack-en-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 69/70 Verifying : libcrypt-nss-2.26-26.fc27.x86_64 70/70 Installed: gcc.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27 git.x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27 make.x86_64 1:4.2.1-4.fc27 perl-IO-Socket-IP.noarch 0.39-4.fc27 perl-Mozilla-CA.noarch 20160104-6.fc27 binutils.x86_64 2.29-13.fc27 cpp.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27 fipscheck.x86_64 1.5.0-3.fc27 fipscheck-lib.x86_64 1.5.0-3.fc27 gc.x86_64 7.6.0-7.fc27 git-core.x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27 git-core-doc.x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27 glibc-devel.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 glibc-headers.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 groff-base.x86_64 1.22.3-14.fc27 guile.x86_64 5:2.0.14-3.fc27 isl.x86_64 0.16.1-3.fc27 kernel-headers.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27 less.x86_64 487-5.fc27 libatomic_ops.x86_64 7.4.6-3.fc27 libedit.x86_64 3.1-20.20170329cvs.fc27 libgomp.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27 libmpc.x86_64 1.0.2-8.fc27 libstdc++.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27 libtool-ltdl.x86_64 2.4.6-20.fc27 openssh.x86_64 7.6p1-5.fc27 openssh-clients.x86_64 7.6p1-5.fc27 perl-Carp.noarch 1.42-394.fc27 perl-Encode.x86_64 4:2.94-16.fc27 perl-Errno.x86_64 1.28-403.fc27 perl-Error.noarch 1:0.17025-1.fc27 perl-Exporter.noarch 5.72-395.fc27 perl-File-Path.noarch 2.15-1.fc27 perl-File-Temp.noarch 0.230.400-394.fc27 perl-Getopt-Long.noarch 1:2.50-3.fc27 perl-Git.noarch 2.14.3-3.fc27 perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0.070-394.fc27 perl-IO.x86_64 1.38-403.fc27 perl-MIME-Base64.x86_64 3.15-395.fc27 perl-PathTools.x86_64 3.74-1.fc27 perl-Pod-Escapes.noarch 1:1.07-394.fc27 perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 3.28-395.fc27 perl-Pod-Simple.noarch 1:3.35-394.fc27 perl-Pod-Usage.noarch 4:1.69-394.fc27 perl-Scalar-List-Utils.x86_64 3:1.48-1.fc27 perl-Socket.x86_64 4:2.027-1.fc27 perl-Storable.x86_64 1:2.62-395.fc27 perl-Term-ANSIColor.noarch 4.06-395.fc27 perl-Term-Cap.noarch 1.17-394.fc27 perl-TermReadKey.x86_64 2.37-5.fc27 perl-Text-ParseWords.noarch 3.30-394.fc27 perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap.noarch 2013.0523-394.fc27 perl-Time-Local.noarch 1:1.250-394.fc27 perl-Unicode-Normalize.x86_64 1.25-395.fc27 perl-constant.noarch 1.33-395.fc27 perl-interpreter.x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27 perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27 perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27 perl-parent.noarch 1:0.236-394.fc27 perl-podlators.noarch 4.09-395.fc27 perl-threads.x86_64 1:2.21-1.fc27 perl-threads-shared.x86_64 1.58-1.fc27 Upgraded: glibc.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 glibc-common.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 glibc-langpack-en.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 libcrypt-nss.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27 Complete! 18 files removed ---> f10aefdf51ae Removing intermediate container c1d7b10374df Step 5/9 : ENV GIMME_GO_VERSION 1.9.2 ---> Running in c447cb33823a ---> 3c949098efcf Removing intermediate container c447cb33823a Step 6/9 : RUN mkdir -p /gimme && curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travis-ci/gimme/master/gimme | HOME=/gimme bash >> /etc/profile.d/gimme.sh ---> Running in 5efb700e8214  ---> 35251cd6ada2 Removing intermediate container 5efb700e8214 Step 7/9 : ENV GOPATH "/go" GOBIN "/usr/bin" ---> Running in 12506795a0df ---> 1419acaf2dff Removing intermediate container 12506795a0df Step 8/9 : RUN mkdir -p /go && source /etc/profile.d/gimme.sh && go get github.com/masterzen/winrm-cli ---> Running in da25bacfcbca go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64  ---> 2ffe2c1e63af Removing intermediate container da25bacfcbca Step 9/9 : LABEL "kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0" '' "winrmcli" '' ---> Running in e1f67e0cccc2 ---> bf3495c91cca Removing intermediate container e1f67e0cccc2 Successfully built bf3495c91cca hack/build-docker.sh push The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/virt-controller] aebb161834cb: Preparing 5acaa362ebf9: Preparing 39bae602f753: Preparing 5acaa362ebf9: Pushed aebb161834cb: Pushed 39bae602f753: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:601a79e432f434d0de298235e85cf357a124b5a92496a70d81d4c377236e5a6d size: 948 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/virt-launcher] 8e75b92099c9: Preparing 5d824509c78d: Preparing 5d824509c78d: Preparing 5714877e2b03: Preparing 2bbe2d88728c: Preparing aa503fb33e4e: Preparing bca4db00638e: Preparing b91448d02ad0: Preparing a6250e94a411: Preparing b5ca5f52e363: Preparing 530cc55618cd: Preparing b91448d02ad0: Waiting a6250e94a411: Waiting 34fa414dfdf6: Preparing a1359dc556dd: Preparing 490c7c373332: Preparing 4b440db36f72: Preparing 39bae602f753: Preparing 490c7c373332: Waiting 34fa414dfdf6: Waiting bca4db00638e: Waiting b5ca5f52e363: Waiting a1359dc556dd: Waiting 5d824509c78d: Pushed 5714877e2b03: Pushed aa503fb33e4e: Pushed 8e75b92099c9: Pushed 2bbe2d88728c: Pushed b91448d02ad0: Pushed a6250e94a411: Pushed 530cc55618cd: Pushed 34fa414dfdf6: Pushed 490c7c373332: Pushed a1359dc556dd: Pushed 39bae602f753: Mounted from kubevirt/virt-controller b5ca5f52e363: Pushed bca4db00638e: Pushed 4b440db36f72: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:9cf30f4200f468a3a55db642f6d8f657085a7eb787f6dc49823e72fc0c839cac size: 3652 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/virt-handler] 93e241709a7d: Preparing 39bae602f753: Preparing 39bae602f753: Mounted from kubevirt/virt-launcher 93e241709a7d: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:4df95fa54c901ff93384b9400c8c847658d1b0d49a9f2fc456c8b7fe176f2992 size: 740 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/virt-api] 3137ef4c250b: Preparing fd1b1dc4959a: Preparing f1b07f50d664: Preparing 39bae602f753: Preparing 39bae602f753: Mounted from kubevirt/virt-handler f1b07f50d664: Pushed fd1b1dc4959a: Pushed 3137ef4c250b: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:7859ec59bd88774ed2b63860764645860984f9970cfc2392b3bcf9721f067c4e size: 1159 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd] 49dd1f44d9e8: Preparing 56747852d8ee: Preparing 32ca1a8fc1e5: Preparing 1824f08143b0: Preparing 39bae602f753: Preparing 39bae602f753: Mounted from kubevirt/virt-api 32ca1a8fc1e5: Pushed 49dd1f44d9e8: Pushed 56747852d8ee: Pushed 1824f08143b0: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:893859ea06eaa474ea7684704ed9402349d3c66c0233585427e438ebc52ed9b9 size: 1368 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/vm-killer] dbb456e9a766: Preparing 39bae602f753: Preparing 39bae602f753: Mounted from kubevirt/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd dbb456e9a766: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:57385655f9c121b4f88b01f67ca4050b00baf52fe50bff627f1b3e1fd49786c4 size: 740 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha] 6326a937b16c: Preparing 57f3c2b869b9: Preparing 6709b2da72b8: Preparing 6326a937b16c: Pushed 57f3c2b869b9: Pushed 6709b2da72b8: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:c273c51dd06157e4761ee1037594e770a39d71dbc7be6ccdae1ca5117f3df6de size: 948 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo] 7b5ed9ad92ad: Preparing 6326a937b16c: Preparing 57f3c2b869b9: Preparing 6709b2da72b8: Preparing 6326a937b16c: Mounted from kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha 57f3c2b869b9: Mounted from kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha 6709b2da72b8: Mounted from kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha 7b5ed9ad92ad: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:0a53ba6ef36ab5d8863b606735974bf6f6c531453218de857f87c1f67a9ba307 size: 1160 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo] 963cccfdb466: Preparing 6326a937b16c: Preparing 57f3c2b869b9: Preparing 6709b2da72b8: Preparing 6709b2da72b8: Mounted from kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo 6326a937b16c: Mounted from kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo 57f3c2b869b9: Mounted from kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo 963cccfdb466: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:25a6615f982bcef0d00d787de077bb80bcd320b90bb894d1cb5deb87b79c6ea7 size: 1161 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/alpine-registry-disk-demo] 1200cf3f8365: Preparing 6326a937b16c: Preparing 57f3c2b869b9: Preparing 6709b2da72b8: Preparing 6326a937b16c: Mounted from kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo 57f3c2b869b9: Mounted from kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo 6709b2da72b8: Mounted from kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo 1200cf3f8365: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:32b8951a7b1de4bfba3d82308fce41e33840990cddb8a8ee7ee36f67b15346c3 size: 1160 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/subresource-access-test] f824b9e2afc2: Preparing b28bfdbf9e30: Preparing 39bae602f753: Preparing 39bae602f753: Mounted from kubevirt/vm-killer b28bfdbf9e30: Pushed f824b9e2afc2: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:b4bf7e3b1da432b02de09cc0ce56a5e1c2273888fcac0f69d116b3eb03ec55e8 size: 948 The push refers to a repository [localhost:32787/kubevirt/winrmcli] 66b1ef6ccf90: Preparing 0763772dc1bc: Preparing ec0b4809f2c6: Preparing 39bae602f753: Preparing 39bae602f753: Mounted from kubevirt/subresource-access-test 66b1ef6ccf90: Pushed ec0b4809f2c6: Pushed 0763772dc1bc: Pushed devel: digest: sha256:3c6581ee03b83cdbcfa23918822d347a81c80c62a04742991af20bef5843824b size: 1165 make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt' 2018/04/07 12:44:17 Waiting for host: 2018/04/07 12:44:17 Connected to tcp:// Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-controller ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-controller 2176639d844b: Pulling fs layer df1f49e34671: Pulling fs layer 132c02c9e485: Pulling fs layer df1f49e34671: Verifying Checksum df1f49e34671: Download complete 132c02c9e485: Verifying Checksum 132c02c9e485: Download complete 2176639d844b: Verifying Checksum 2176639d844b: Download complete 2176639d844b: Pull complete df1f49e34671: Pull complete 132c02c9e485: Pull complete Digest: sha256:601a79e432f434d0de298235e85cf357a124b5a92496a70d81d4c377236e5a6d Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-launcher ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-launcher 2176639d844b: Already exists d7240bccd145: Pulling fs layer f2ef945504a7: Pulling fs layer a4b9e9eb807b: Pulling fs layer a1e80189bea5: Pulling fs layer 6cc174edcebf: Pulling fs layer 823d32e618f3: Pulling fs layer 2986076a9449: Pulling fs layer 0a026277e748: Pulling fs layer 9b81efec3b3e: Pulling fs layer 5a51e69a3a2d: Pulling fs layer 014b9d3b3bc5: Pulling fs layer 62652bb9961a: Pulling fs layer 795775086dc6: Pulling fs layer dff389f49371: Pulling fs layer 9b81efec3b3e: Waiting 5a51e69a3a2d: Waiting a1e80189bea5: Waiting 6cc174edcebf: Waiting 823d32e618f3: Waiting 014b9d3b3bc5: Waiting 2986076a9449: Waiting 0a026277e748: Waiting 62652bb9961a: Waiting 795775086dc6: Waiting dff389f49371: Waiting a4b9e9eb807b: Verifying Checksum a4b9e9eb807b: Download complete f2ef945504a7: Verifying Checksum f2ef945504a7: Download complete a1e80189bea5: Verifying Checksum a1e80189bea5: Download complete 6cc174edcebf: Verifying Checksum 6cc174edcebf: Download complete 2986076a9449: Verifying Checksum 2986076a9449: Download complete 823d32e618f3: Verifying Checksum 823d32e618f3: Download complete 0a026277e748: Verifying Checksum 0a026277e748: Download complete 5a51e69a3a2d: Verifying Checksum 5a51e69a3a2d: Download complete 9b81efec3b3e: Verifying Checksum 9b81efec3b3e: Download complete 014b9d3b3bc5: Verifying Checksum 014b9d3b3bc5: Download complete 62652bb9961a: Verifying Checksum 62652bb9961a: Download complete 795775086dc6: Verifying Checksum 795775086dc6: Download complete dff389f49371: Verifying Checksum dff389f49371: Download complete d7240bccd145: Verifying Checksum d7240bccd145: Download complete d7240bccd145: Pull complete f2ef945504a7: Pull complete a4b9e9eb807b: Pull complete a1e80189bea5: Pull complete 6cc174edcebf: Pull complete 823d32e618f3: Pull complete 2986076a9449: Pull complete 0a026277e748: Pull complete 9b81efec3b3e: Pull complete 5a51e69a3a2d: Pull complete 014b9d3b3bc5: Pull complete 62652bb9961a: Pull complete 795775086dc6: Pull complete dff389f49371: Pull complete Digest: sha256:9cf30f4200f468a3a55db642f6d8f657085a7eb787f6dc49823e72fc0c839cac Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-handler ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-handler 2176639d844b: Already exists 86eb364a3630: Pulling fs layer 86eb364a3630: Verifying Checksum 86eb364a3630: Download complete 86eb364a3630: Pull complete Digest: sha256:4df95fa54c901ff93384b9400c8c847658d1b0d49a9f2fc456c8b7fe176f2992 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-api ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-api 2176639d844b: Already exists bfc4816ba8a8: Pulling fs layer 5d519c008f6c: Pulling fs layer 96287a7fb3d9: Pulling fs layer bfc4816ba8a8: Verifying Checksum bfc4816ba8a8: Download complete 5d519c008f6c: Verifying Checksum 5d519c008f6c: Download complete 96287a7fb3d9: Verifying Checksum 96287a7fb3d9: Download complete bfc4816ba8a8: Pull complete 5d519c008f6c: Pull complete 96287a7fb3d9: Pull complete Digest: sha256:7859ec59bd88774ed2b63860764645860984f9970cfc2392b3bcf9721f067c4e Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd 2176639d844b: Already exists cd017ee9a697: Pulling fs layer 976bd1a00d38: Pulling fs layer 3e3efc0a0202: Pulling fs layer 305dfa101de9: Pulling fs layer 305dfa101de9: Waiting 976bd1a00d38: Verifying Checksum 976bd1a00d38: Download complete 305dfa101de9: Verifying Checksum 305dfa101de9: Download complete 3e3efc0a0202: Verifying Checksum 3e3efc0a0202: Download complete cd017ee9a697: Verifying Checksum cd017ee9a697: Download complete cd017ee9a697: Pull complete 976bd1a00d38: Pull complete 3e3efc0a0202: Pull complete 305dfa101de9: Pull complete Digest: sha256:893859ea06eaa474ea7684704ed9402349d3c66c0233585427e438ebc52ed9b9 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/vm-killer ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/vm-killer 2176639d844b: Already exists b39e4e15af68: Pulling fs layer b39e4e15af68: Verifying Checksum b39e4e15af68: Download complete b39e4e15af68: Pull complete Digest: sha256:57385655f9c121b4f88b01f67ca4050b00baf52fe50bff627f1b3e1fd49786c4 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha 2115d46e7396: Pulling fs layer d31dd609fdb4: Pulling fs layer e6ebe1dfd863: Pulling fs layer e6ebe1dfd863: Verifying Checksum e6ebe1dfd863: Download complete d31dd609fdb4: Verifying Checksum d31dd609fdb4: Download complete 2115d46e7396: Verifying Checksum 2115d46e7396: Download complete 2115d46e7396: Pull complete d31dd609fdb4: Pull complete e6ebe1dfd863: Pull complete Digest: sha256:c273c51dd06157e4761ee1037594e770a39d71dbc7be6ccdae1ca5117f3df6de Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo 2115d46e7396: Already exists d31dd609fdb4: Already exists e6ebe1dfd863: Already exists 6792187ab5a5: Pulling fs layer 6792187ab5a5: Download complete 6792187ab5a5: Pull complete Digest: sha256:0a53ba6ef36ab5d8863b606735974bf6f6c531453218de857f87c1f67a9ba307 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo 2115d46e7396: Already exists d31dd609fdb4: Already exists e6ebe1dfd863: Already exists bfa4c097181f: Pulling fs layer bfa4c097181f: Verifying Checksum bfa4c097181f: Download complete bfa4c097181f: Pull complete Digest: sha256:25a6615f982bcef0d00d787de077bb80bcd320b90bb894d1cb5deb87b79c6ea7 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/alpine-registry-disk-demo ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/alpine-registry-disk-demo 2115d46e7396: Already exists d31dd609fdb4: Already exists e6ebe1dfd863: Already exists a56d2f4ba8c5: Pulling fs layer a56d2f4ba8c5: Verifying Checksum a56d2f4ba8c5: Download complete a56d2f4ba8c5: Pull complete Digest: sha256:32b8951a7b1de4bfba3d82308fce41e33840990cddb8a8ee7ee36f67b15346c3 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/subresource-access-test ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/subresource-access-test 2176639d844b: Already exists b1facae8a0a3: Pulling fs layer 27da7ca9e950: Pulling fs layer b1facae8a0a3: Download complete 27da7ca9e950: Verifying Checksum 27da7ca9e950: Download complete b1facae8a0a3: Pull complete 27da7ca9e950: Pull complete Digest: sha256:b4bf7e3b1da432b02de09cc0ce56a5e1c2273888fcac0f69d116b3eb03ec55e8 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/winrmcli ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/winrmcli 2176639d844b: Already exists 2e27ef8f4ac0: Pulling fs layer c0428865488f: Pulling fs layer ddaad134f206: Pulling fs layer ddaad134f206: Verifying Checksum ddaad134f206: Download complete 2e27ef8f4ac0: Verifying Checksum 2e27ef8f4ac0: Download complete c0428865488f: Verifying Checksum c0428865488f: Download complete 2e27ef8f4ac0: Pull complete c0428865488f: Pull complete ddaad134f206: Pull complete Digest: sha256:3c6581ee03b83cdbcfa23918822d347a81c80c62a04742991af20bef5843824b 2018/04/07 12:47:18 Waiting for host: 2018/04/07 12:47:18 Connected to tcp:// 2018/04/07 12:47:21 Waiting for host: 2018/04/07 12:47:21 Connected to tcp:// Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-controller ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-controller 2176639d844b: Pulling fs layer df1f49e34671: Pulling fs layer 132c02c9e485: Pulling fs layer df1f49e34671: Verifying Checksum df1f49e34671: Download complete 132c02c9e485: Verifying Checksum 132c02c9e485: Download complete 2176639d844b: Download complete 2176639d844b: Pull complete df1f49e34671: Pull complete 132c02c9e485: Pull complete Digest: sha256:601a79e432f434d0de298235e85cf357a124b5a92496a70d81d4c377236e5a6d Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-launcher ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-launcher 2176639d844b: Already exists d7240bccd145: Pulling fs layer f2ef945504a7: Pulling fs layer a4b9e9eb807b: Pulling fs layer a1e80189bea5: Pulling fs layer 6cc174edcebf: Pulling fs layer 823d32e618f3: Pulling fs layer 2986076a9449: Pulling fs layer 0a026277e748: Pulling fs layer 9b81efec3b3e: Pulling fs layer 5a51e69a3a2d: Pulling fs layer 014b9d3b3bc5: Pulling fs layer 62652bb9961a: Pulling fs layer 795775086dc6: Pulling fs layer dff389f49371: Pulling fs layer a1e80189bea5: Waiting 6cc174edcebf: Waiting 823d32e618f3: Waiting 2986076a9449: Waiting 0a026277e748: Waiting 9b81efec3b3e: Waiting 5a51e69a3a2d: Waiting 014b9d3b3bc5: Waiting 62652bb9961a: Waiting 795775086dc6: Waiting dff389f49371: Waiting f2ef945504a7: Download complete a4b9e9eb807b: Download complete a1e80189bea5: Verifying Checksum a1e80189bea5: Download complete 6cc174edcebf: Verifying Checksum 6cc174edcebf: Download complete 2986076a9449: Verifying Checksum 2986076a9449: Download complete 0a026277e748: Verifying Checksum 0a026277e748: Download complete 823d32e618f3: Verifying Checksum 823d32e618f3: Download complete 5a51e69a3a2d: Verifying Checksum 5a51e69a3a2d: Download complete 9b81efec3b3e: Verifying Checksum 9b81efec3b3e: Download complete 014b9d3b3bc5: Verifying Checksum 014b9d3b3bc5: Download complete 62652bb9961a: Verifying Checksum 62652bb9961a: Download complete 795775086dc6: Verifying Checksum 795775086dc6: Download complete dff389f49371: Verifying Checksum dff389f49371: Download complete d7240bccd145: Verifying Checksum d7240bccd145: Download complete d7240bccd145: Pull complete f2ef945504a7: Pull complete a4b9e9eb807b: Pull complete a1e80189bea5: Pull complete 6cc174edcebf: Pull complete 823d32e618f3: Pull complete 2986076a9449: Pull complete 0a026277e748: Pull complete 9b81efec3b3e: Pull complete 5a51e69a3a2d: Pull complete 014b9d3b3bc5: Pull complete 62652bb9961a: Pull complete 795775086dc6: Pull complete dff389f49371: Pull complete Digest: sha256:9cf30f4200f468a3a55db642f6d8f657085a7eb787f6dc49823e72fc0c839cac Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-handler ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-handler 2176639d844b: Already exists 86eb364a3630: Pulling fs layer 86eb364a3630: Verifying Checksum 86eb364a3630: Download complete 86eb364a3630: Pull complete Digest: sha256:4df95fa54c901ff93384b9400c8c847658d1b0d49a9f2fc456c8b7fe176f2992 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-api ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/virt-api 2176639d844b: Already exists bfc4816ba8a8: Pulling fs layer 5d519c008f6c: Pulling fs layer 96287a7fb3d9: Pulling fs layer bfc4816ba8a8: Verifying Checksum bfc4816ba8a8: Download complete 5d519c008f6c: Verifying Checksum 5d519c008f6c: Download complete 96287a7fb3d9: Verifying Checksum 96287a7fb3d9: Download complete bfc4816ba8a8: Pull complete 5d519c008f6c: Pull complete 96287a7fb3d9: Pull complete Digest: sha256:7859ec59bd88774ed2b63860764645860984f9970cfc2392b3bcf9721f067c4e Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd 2176639d844b: Already exists cd017ee9a697: Pulling fs layer 976bd1a00d38: Pulling fs layer 3e3efc0a0202: Pulling fs layer 305dfa101de9: Pulling fs layer 305dfa101de9: Waiting 976bd1a00d38: Verifying Checksum 976bd1a00d38: Download complete 305dfa101de9: Verifying Checksum 305dfa101de9: Download complete 3e3efc0a0202: Verifying Checksum 3e3efc0a0202: Download complete cd017ee9a697: Verifying Checksum cd017ee9a697: Download complete cd017ee9a697: Pull complete 976bd1a00d38: Pull complete 3e3efc0a0202: Pull complete 305dfa101de9: Pull complete Digest: sha256:893859ea06eaa474ea7684704ed9402349d3c66c0233585427e438ebc52ed9b9 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/vm-killer ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/vm-killer 2176639d844b: Already exists b39e4e15af68: Pulling fs layer b39e4e15af68: Verifying Checksum b39e4e15af68: Download complete b39e4e15af68: Pull complete Digest: sha256:57385655f9c121b4f88b01f67ca4050b00baf52fe50bff627f1b3e1fd49786c4 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/registry-disk-v1alpha 2115d46e7396: Pulling fs layer d31dd609fdb4: Pulling fs layer e6ebe1dfd863: Pulling fs layer e6ebe1dfd863: Verifying Checksum e6ebe1dfd863: Download complete d31dd609fdb4: Verifying Checksum d31dd609fdb4: Download complete 2115d46e7396: Verifying Checksum 2115d46e7396: Download complete 2115d46e7396: Pull complete d31dd609fdb4: Pull complete e6ebe1dfd863: Pull complete Digest: sha256:c273c51dd06157e4761ee1037594e770a39d71dbc7be6ccdae1ca5117f3df6de Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo 2115d46e7396: Already exists d31dd609fdb4: Already exists e6ebe1dfd863: Already exists 6792187ab5a5: Pulling fs layer 6792187ab5a5: Verifying Checksum 6792187ab5a5: Download complete 6792187ab5a5: Pull complete Digest: sha256:0a53ba6ef36ab5d8863b606735974bf6f6c531453218de857f87c1f67a9ba307 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo 2115d46e7396: Already exists d31dd609fdb4: Already exists e6ebe1dfd863: Already exists bfa4c097181f: Pulling fs layer bfa4c097181f: Download complete bfa4c097181f: Pull complete Digest: sha256:25a6615f982bcef0d00d787de077bb80bcd320b90bb894d1cb5deb87b79c6ea7 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/alpine-registry-disk-demo ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/alpine-registry-disk-demo 2115d46e7396: Already exists d31dd609fdb4: Already exists e6ebe1dfd863: Already exists a56d2f4ba8c5: Pulling fs layer a56d2f4ba8c5: Verifying Checksum a56d2f4ba8c5: Download complete a56d2f4ba8c5: Pull complete Digest: sha256:32b8951a7b1de4bfba3d82308fce41e33840990cddb8a8ee7ee36f67b15346c3 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/subresource-access-test ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/subresource-access-test 2176639d844b: Already exists b1facae8a0a3: Pulling fs layer 27da7ca9e950: Pulling fs layer b1facae8a0a3: Verifying Checksum b1facae8a0a3: Download complete 27da7ca9e950: Verifying Checksum 27da7ca9e950: Download complete b1facae8a0a3: Pull complete 27da7ca9e950: Pull complete Digest: sha256:b4bf7e3b1da432b02de09cc0ce56a5e1c2273888fcac0f69d116b3eb03ec55e8 Trying to pull repository registry:5000/kubevirt/winrmcli ... devel: Pulling from registry:5000/kubevirt/winrmcli 2176639d844b: Already exists 2e27ef8f4ac0: Pulling fs layer c0428865488f: Pulling fs layer ddaad134f206: Pulling fs layer ddaad134f206: Verifying Checksum ddaad134f206: Download complete 2e27ef8f4ac0: Verifying Checksum 2e27ef8f4ac0: Download complete c0428865488f: Verifying Checksum c0428865488f: Download complete 2e27ef8f4ac0: Pull complete c0428865488f: Pull complete ddaad134f206: Pull complete Digest: sha256:3c6581ee03b83cdbcfa23918822d347a81c80c62a04742991af20bef5843824b 2018/04/07 12:50:41 Waiting for host: 2018/04/07 12:50:41 Connected to tcp:// Done ./cluster/clean.sh + source hack/common.sh ++++ dirname 'hack/common.sh[0]' +++ cd hack/../ +++ pwd ++ KUBEVIRT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt ++ OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out ++ VENDOR_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/vendor ++ CMD_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd ++ TESTS_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/tests ++ APIDOCS_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/apidocs ++ MANIFESTS_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/manifests ++ PYTHON_CLIENT_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/client-python ++ PROVIDER=k8s-1.9.3 ++ provider_prefix=kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0 ++ job_prefix=kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0 + source cluster/k8s-1.9.3/provider.sh ++ set -e ++ image=k8s-1.9.3@sha256:2f1600681800f70de293d2d35fa129bfd2c64e14ea01bab0284e4cafcc330662 ++ source cluster/ephemeral-provider-common.sh +++ set -e +++ _cli='docker run --privileged --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock kubevirtci/cli@sha256:b0023d1863338ef04fa0b8a8ee5956ae08616200d89ffd2e230668ea3deeaff4' + source hack/config.sh ++ unset binaries docker_images docker_prefix docker_tag manifest_templates master_ip network_provider kubeconfig manifest_docker_prefix namespace ++ PROVIDER=k8s-1.9.3 ++ source hack/config-default.sh source hack/config-k8s-1.9.3.sh +++ binaries='cmd/virt-controller cmd/virt-launcher cmd/virt-handler cmd/virtctl cmd/fake-qemu-process cmd/virt-api cmd/subresource-access-test' +++ docker_images='cmd/virt-controller cmd/virt-launcher cmd/virt-handler cmd/virt-api images/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd images/vm-killer cmd/registry-disk-v1alpha images/cirros-registry-disk-demo images/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo images/alpine-registry-disk-demo cmd/subresource-access-test images/winrmcli' +++ docker_prefix=kubevirt +++ docker_tag=latest +++ master_ip= +++ network_provider=flannel +++ kubeconfig=cluster/vagrant/.kubeconfig +++ namespace=kube-system ++ test -f hack/config-provider-k8s-1.9.3.sh ++ source hack/config-provider-k8s-1.9.3.sh +++ master_ip= +++ docker_tag=devel +++ kubeconfig=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig +++ docker_prefix=localhost:32787/kubevirt +++ manifest_docker_prefix=registry:5000/kubevirt ++ test -f hack/config-local.sh ++ export binaries docker_images docker_prefix docker_tag manifest_templates master_ip network_provider kubeconfig namespace + echo 'Cleaning up ...' Cleaning up ... + _kubectl delete ds -l kubevirt.io -n kube-system --cascade=false --grace-period 0 No resources found + _kubectl delete pods -n kube-system -l=kubevirt.io=libvirt --force --grace-period 0 No resources found + _kubectl delete pods -n kube-system -l=kubevirt.io=virt-handler --force --grace-period 0 No resources found + namespaces=(default ${namespace}) + for i in '${namespaces[@]}' + _kubectl -n default delete apiservices -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete apiservices -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete deployment -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete deployment -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete rs -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete rs -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete services -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete services -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete apiservices -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete apiservices -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete secrets -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete secrets -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete pv -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete pv -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete pvc -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete pvc -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete ds -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete ds -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete customresourcedefinitions -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete customresourcedefinitions -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete pods -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete pods -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete clusterrolebinding -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete clusterrolebinding -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete rolebinding -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete rolebinding -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete roles -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete roles -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete clusterroles -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete clusterroles -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n default delete serviceaccounts -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default delete serviceaccounts -l kubevirt.io No resources found ++ _kubectl -n default get crd offlinevirtualmachines.kubevirt.io ++ export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig ++ wc -l ++ KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig ++ cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n default get crd offlinevirtualmachines.kubevirt.io Error from server (NotFound): customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "offlinevirtualmachines.kubevirt.io" not found + '[' 0 -gt 0 ']' + for i in '${namespaces[@]}' + _kubectl -n kube-system delete apiservices -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete apiservices -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete deployment -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete deployment -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete rs -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete rs -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete services -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete services -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete apiservices -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete apiservices -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete secrets -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete secrets -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete pv -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete pv -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete pvc -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete pvc -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete ds -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete ds -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete customresourcedefinitions -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete customresourcedefinitions -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete pods -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete pods -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete clusterrolebinding -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete clusterrolebinding -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete rolebinding -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete rolebinding -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete roles -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete roles -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete clusterroles -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete clusterroles -l kubevirt.io No resources found + _kubectl -n kube-system delete serviceaccounts -l kubevirt.io + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system delete serviceaccounts -l kubevirt.io No resources found ++ _kubectl -n kube-system get crd offlinevirtualmachines.kubevirt.io ++ export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig ++ wc -l ++ KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig ++ cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl -n kube-system get crd offlinevirtualmachines.kubevirt.io Error from server (NotFound): customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "offlinevirtualmachines.kubevirt.io" not found + '[' 0 -gt 0 ']' + sleep 2 + echo Done Done ./cluster/deploy.sh + source hack/common.sh ++++ dirname 'hack/common.sh[0]' +++ cd hack/../ +++ pwd ++ KUBEVIRT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt ++ OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out ++ VENDOR_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/vendor ++ CMD_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/cmd ++ TESTS_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/tests ++ APIDOCS_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/apidocs ++ MANIFESTS_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/manifests ++ PYTHON_CLIENT_OUT_DIR=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/client-python ++ PROVIDER=k8s-1.9.3 ++ provider_prefix=kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0 ++ job_prefix=kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0 + source cluster/k8s-1.9.3/provider.sh ++ set -e ++ image=k8s-1.9.3@sha256:2f1600681800f70de293d2d35fa129bfd2c64e14ea01bab0284e4cafcc330662 ++ source cluster/ephemeral-provider-common.sh +++ set -e +++ _cli='docker run --privileged --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock kubevirtci/cli@sha256:b0023d1863338ef04fa0b8a8ee5956ae08616200d89ffd2e230668ea3deeaff4' + source hack/config.sh ++ unset binaries docker_images docker_prefix docker_tag manifest_templates master_ip network_provider kubeconfig manifest_docker_prefix namespace ++ PROVIDER=k8s-1.9.3 ++ source hack/config-default.sh source hack/config-k8s-1.9.3.sh +++ binaries='cmd/virt-controller cmd/virt-launcher cmd/virt-handler cmd/virtctl cmd/fake-qemu-process cmd/virt-api cmd/subresource-access-test' +++ docker_images='cmd/virt-controller cmd/virt-launcher cmd/virt-handler cmd/virt-api images/iscsi-demo-target-tgtd images/vm-killer cmd/registry-disk-v1alpha images/cirros-registry-disk-demo images/fedora-cloud-registry-disk-demo images/alpine-registry-disk-demo cmd/subresource-access-test images/winrmcli' +++ docker_prefix=kubevirt +++ docker_tag=latest +++ master_ip= +++ network_provider=flannel +++ kubeconfig=cluster/vagrant/.kubeconfig +++ namespace=kube-system ++ test -f hack/config-provider-k8s-1.9.3.sh ++ source hack/config-provider-k8s-1.9.3.sh +++ master_ip= +++ docker_tag=devel +++ kubeconfig=/var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig +++ docker_prefix=localhost:32787/kubevirt +++ manifest_docker_prefix=registry:5000/kubevirt ++ test -f hack/config-local.sh ++ export binaries docker_images docker_prefix docker_tag manifest_templates master_ip network_provider kubeconfig namespace + echo 'Deploying ...' Deploying ... + [[ -z windows ]] + [[ windows =~ .*-dev ]] + [[ windows =~ .*-release ]] + [[ windows == windows ]] + for manifest in '${MANIFESTS_OUT_DIR}/release/*' + [[ /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/manifests/release/demo-content.yaml =~ .*demo.* ]] + continue + for manifest in '${MANIFESTS_OUT_DIR}/release/*' + [[ /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/manifests/release/kubevirt.yaml =~ .*demo.* ]] + _kubectl create -f /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/manifests/release/kubevirt.yaml + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl create -f /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/manifests/release/kubevirt.yaml serviceaccount "kubevirt-apiserver" created clusterrolebinding "kubevirt-apiserver" created clusterrolebinding "kubevirt-apiserver-auth-delegator" created rolebinding "kubevirt-apiserver" created role "kubevirt-apiserver" created clusterrole "kubevirt-apiserver" created clusterrole "kubevirt-controller" created serviceaccount "kubevirt-controller" created serviceaccount "kubevirt-privileged" created clusterrolebinding "kubevirt-controller" created clusterrolebinding "kubevirt-controller-cluster-admin" created clusterrolebinding "kubevirt-privileged-cluster-admin" created customresourcedefinition "virtualmachines.kubevirt.io" created customresourcedefinition "virtualmachinereplicasets.kubevirt.io" created service "virt-api" created deployment "virt-api" created deployment "virt-controller" created daemonset "virt-handler" created customresourcedefinition "virtualmachinepresets.kubevirt.io" created customresourcedefinition "offlinevirtualmachines.kubevirt.io" created + _kubectl create -f /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/manifests/testing -R + export KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + KUBECONFIG=cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubeconfig + cluster/k8s-1.9.3/.kubectl create -f /var/lib/swarm/workspace/kubevirt-functional-tests-windows/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/_out/manifests/testing -R persistentvolumeclaim "disk-alpine" created persistentvolume "iscsi-disk-alpine" created daemonset "iscsi-demo-target-tgtd" created serviceaccount "kubevirt-testing" created clusterrolebinding "kubevirt-testing-cluster-admin" created + '[' k8s-1.9.3 = vagrant-openshift ']' + '[' k8s-1.9.3 = os-3.9.0-alpha.4 ']' + echo Done Done ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system --no-headers ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system --no-headers ++ grep -v Running + '[' -n 'virt-api-fd96f94b5-7zr2g 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 3s virt-api-fd96f94b5-94zjp 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 3s virt-controller-5f7c946cc4-l7nfs 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 3s virt-controller-5f7c946cc4-zsh5d 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 3s virt-handler-8ncfh 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 3s virt-handler-kngm9 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 3s' ']' + echo 'Waiting for kubevirt pods to enter the Running state ...' Waiting for kubevirt pods to enter the Running state ... + kubectl get pods -n kube-system --no-headers + cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system --no-headers + grep -v Running iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr 0/1 Pending 0 3s iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n 0/1 Pending 0 3s virt-api-fd96f94b5-7zr2g 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s virt-api-fd96f94b5-94zjp 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s virt-controller-5f7c946cc4-l7nfs 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s virt-controller-5f7c946cc4-zsh5d 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s virt-handler-8ncfh 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s virt-handler-kngm9 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s + sleep 10 ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system --no-headers ++ grep -v Running ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system --no-headers + '[' -n '' ']' ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + '[' -n 'false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n false virt-api-fd96f94b5-7zr2g' ']' + echo 'Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ...' Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ... + awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' + kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n false virt-api-fd96f94b5-7zr2g + sleep 10 ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + '[' -n 'false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n' ']' + echo 'Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ...' Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ... + kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' + cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n + sleep 10 ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + '[' -n 'false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n' ']' + echo 'Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ...' Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ... + kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' + cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n + sleep 10 ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + '[' -n 'false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n' ']' + echo 'Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ...' Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ... + kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' + cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n + sleep 10 ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + '[' -n 'false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n' ']' + echo 'Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ...' Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ... + kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' + cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n + sleep 10 ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + '[' -n 'false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n' ']' + echo 'Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ...' Waiting for KubeVirt containers to become ready ... + kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' + cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr false iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n + sleep 10 ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ awk '!/virt-controller/ && /false/' ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers + '[' -n '' ']' ++ kubectl get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ awk '/virt-controller/ && /true/' ++ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system '-ocustom-columns=status:status.containerStatuses[*].ready,metadata:metadata.name' --no-headers ++ wc -l + '[' 1 -lt 1 ']' + kubectl get pods -n kube-system + cluster/kubectl.sh get pods -n kube-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE etcd-node01 1/1 Running 0 24m iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-qftjr 1/1 Running 1 1m iscsi-demo-target-tgtd-spf8n 1/1 Running 1 1m kube-apiserver-node01 1/1 Running 0 25m kube-controller-manager-node01 1/1 Running 0 25m kube-dns-6f4fd4bdf-dct8h 3/3 Running 0 25m kube-flannel-ds-2n9sw 1/1 Running 0 25m kube-flannel-ds-qb2f6 1/1 Running 0 25m kube-proxy-7gtxd 1/1 Running 0 25m kube-proxy-rgf4w 1/1 Running 0 25m kube-scheduler-node01 1/1 Running 0 25m virt-api-fd96f94b5-7zr2g 1/1 Running 1 1m virt-api-fd96f94b5-94zjp 1/1 Running 0 1m virt-controller-5f7c946cc4-l7nfs 1/1 Running 0 1m virt-controller-5f7c946cc4-zsh5d 0/1 Running 0 1m virt-handler-8ncfh 1/1 Running 0 1m virt-handler-kngm9 1/1 Running 0 1m + kubectl version + cluster/kubectl.sh version Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"9", GitVersion:"v1.9.3", GitCommit:"d2835416544f298c919e2ead3be3d0864b52323b", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-02-07T12:22:21Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"9", GitVersion:"v1.9.3", GitCommit:"d2835416544f298c919e2ead3be3d0864b52323b", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-02-07T11:55:20Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} + ginko_params=--ginkgo.noColor + [[ -d /home/nfs/images/windows2016 ]] + [[ windows == windows ]] + kubectl create -f - + cluster/kubectl.sh create -f - persistentvolume "disk-windows" created + ginko_params='--ginkgo.noColor --ginkgo.focus=Windows' + FUNC_TEST_ARGS='--ginkgo.noColor --ginkgo.focus=Windows' + make functest hack/dockerized "hack/build-func-tests.sh" sha256:6a9ee4540f213c441209d0e9c25ce1699434ef857140b3f1b80f0a2741809637 go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64 skipping directory . go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64 Compiling tests... compiled tests.test fee130b807cf1a7360e24ea5933cba0f65dc0018cb224d71531404016b41e762 fee130b807cf1a7360e24ea5933cba0f65dc0018cb224d71531404016b41e762 hack/functests.sh Running Suite: Tests Suite ========================== Random Seed: 1523105590 Will run 4 of 71 specs SS ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST:17.202 seconds] Windows VM /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:54 should success to start a vm /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:128 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST:19.894 seconds] Windows VM /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:54 should success to stop a running vm /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:134 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST:188.256 seconds] Windows VM /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:54 with winrm connection /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:145 should have correct UUID /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:187 ------------------------------ • [SLOW TEST:161.064 seconds] Windows VM /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:54 with winrm connection /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:145 should have pod IP /root/go/src/kubevirt.io/kubevirt/tests/windows_test.go:203 ------------------------------ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Waiting for namespace kubevirt-test-default to be removed, this can take a while ... Waiting for namespace kubevirt-test-alternative to be removed, this can take a while ... Ran 4 of 71 Specs in 430.786 seconds SUCCESS! -- 4 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 67 Skipped PASS + make cluster-down ./cluster/down.sh b8f737ed0364 da7135b64864 e711962a804e 46cbae5a84e0 ca44657918e6 b8f737ed0364 da7135b64864 e711962a804e 46cbae5a84e0 ca44657918e6 kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0-node01 kubevirt-functional-tests-windows0-node02